Wednesday, November 18, 2009

Florida Sunshine

I just returned last night from a 10-day trip to Florida. And this morning I ask…why????

I really contemplated not returning. Florida really suits me now (didn’t when I lived there in 1995-98 with my ex) but now…it suits my soul! But, I did come back. I feel I must be the one here to take care of my father since he has taken care of me. I also have a dog that is 12 years old…Reebok (at least I’ve had him that long…he was a stray and not a puppy when found at my brother’s in Iowa right about this time exactly 12 years ago). He also signifies my return home…as it was right when I got him that I decided to come back here.

I have determined that Reebok is my angel…really. I believe he has watched over me (since he literally does sleep at my feet)for these 12 years. I will stay for him. But, I know he will not be with me forever. So, when he goes, I will go. Not to heaven with him…not right now…but, I will be moving from this place.

This place…this place. In 12 years…I’ve had some of the most horrific events happen to me. Many say it’s all been my own fault. Many say that it’s been due to my bad choices. I can’t say. Many can say whatever they want. All I CAN say is I have to look back at these things and learn (hopefully) and try to be a better person. And not continue or repeat the insanity!

So, forgive me if Colorado is not my favorite place anymore. That darn John Denver sure brought a lot of people here. But, as great as it is…it’s just not for me. And if you love it…God bless ya (and John too)!

Twelve years ago when I got back here…I was SO optimistic that I would find a GOOD man to marry and still be able to have my house and children. But (to copy comedienne, Julia Sweeney’s book), God said HA! I did not find that. Instead, I found all sorts of other things. And those of you who know me well know some of what I found…what I’ve been through. So now, after having been in beautiful, warm, Florida, I think I’ve realized some things about myself.

First, I LOVE warm weather. Florida was fabulous (and yes, I remember the humid, dreadfully hot summers…but, there’s always an air conditioned place to go to)! I return home to ice, snow and bitter cold. I don’t like it. I already almost drove off the road on an ice patch this morning.

Second, I am NOT a mountain, farm, rural person at all! I know most people think it’s so beautiful here…and it IS…but, it’s not all that for me. I really do love beaches and palm trees a LOT more.

Third, I am a SNOB! Yes, I am…and gosh darn it…that’s ok! I realize that I love high class, high society places, people, events. That’s why I’m such a fan of the Los Angeles areas that cater to that…but, there are also some fabulous areas of Florida that do too! David (my ex) knew this. He thought I would love living there (and I should have) as I realized this while visiting the area where we lived…Winter Park, Florida. (I have a link to the city page below…and everyone reading this should visit this place at least once in his or her lifetime!).

This is perhaps one of the prettiest, classiest places in the country. And I lived there…and LEFT IT! I was the Chamber of Commerce President’s wife …and LEFT it! What WAS I thinking? I know leaving the husband was the right choice…but, why did I leave this wonderful place? Many, many reasons…and maybe I needed to leave to realize how great it is (you don’t know what you’ve got til it’s gone!!).

So, as jazz and classical music wafted from the numerous lovely restaurants, I strolled down the legendary cobblestone paved Park Avenue. What a lovely experience! It is like paradise…seriously. There is a beautiful park with these beautiful weeping willow trees and when I was young…I went to the south and saw these trees and remember thinking at that time…that these trees must be in heaven. They are heavenly! It was heavenly!!! (I will post some pics of my trip on my Facebook).

So, I will endure this existence in Coldorado (and yes, I realize that’s a typo!)…until my angel Reebok leaves me. I also have that strong bond/need to help my father. It is my duty.

I will endure!

(PS…I also went on a cruise that featured Rick Springfield…my 80s favorite…which I will blog about tomorrow…).

Come back to my blog daily if interested.

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